Dof new job circular 2023- www.dof.teletalk. Online Apply

Job Summary: Recruitment of Directorate of Fisheries Notification 2023 – Department of Fisheries DOF ​​Job Circular 2023 has been published. This new recruitment circular is published on 31 August 2023 on the authority website …

Directorate of Fisheries

Job Summary:

Recruitment of Directorate of Fisheries Notification 2023 – Department of Fisheries DOF ​​Job Circular 2023 has been published. This new recruitment circular is published on 31 August 2023 on the authority website A total of 732 people will be recruited in 32 posts in the Department of Fisheries. Candidates interested in Department of Fisheries Job Circular 2023 recruitment circular can apply online from 07 September 2023.


Recently those who were waiting to apply for Department of Fisheries recruitment circular can apply in this new recruitment circular. If you have all the qualifications to apply for Fisheries Department recruitment circular then apply this recruitment circular soon without delay.

এ সপ্তাহের চাকরিগুলো…

We have given detailed information in this post about all information to apply in DOF recruitment circular like application procedure, application form filling rules, application start date and application last date. So read this post carefully from beginning to end to know detailed information about Department of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023.


Are you looking for Department of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023? If so then you have entered the right website. We regularly publish all ongoing Department of Fisheries DOF ​​Jobs Recruitment Notification on our website  Govtjob24 . So you can know about the new Department of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023 from this post and can easily apply according to your eligibility by following the instructions of the authorities.

DOF job circular 2023

Department of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023 is published for the purpose of recruiting fully qualified citizens of Bangladesh. Department of Fisheries has again released a new recruitment notification on 31 August 2023. Through DOF Recruitment Circular 2023, 732 people will be recruited in 32 posts. Online job application submission start date is 07 September 2023 and last date is 10 October 2023. If you are interested in government jobs then you can apply for the job soon in Fisheries Department recruitment circular without delay.

Directorate of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023


Department of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023 is published for the purpose of recruiting fully qualified citizens of Bangladesh. Department of Fisheries has again released a new recruitment notification on 31 August 2023. Through DOF Recruitment Circular 2023, 732 people will be recruited in 32 posts. Online job application submission start date is 07 September 2023 and last date is 10 October 2023. If you are interested in government job then you can apply for job soon in Fisheries Department recruitment circular without delay.

Currently, the job of Fisheries Department is one of the government jobs in Bangladesh. You can build your bright future by working in Fisheries Department. Department of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023 is a great opportunity for those who are recently looking for government jobs.


Eligible genuine citizens from any district of Bangladesh can apply for jobs in Directorate of Fisheries recruitment circular. For the convenience of job seekers, we have published here detailed information about Department of Fisheries (DOF) Recruitment Circular 2023 and all instructions/rules related to application form filling.


We publish the recruitment circular of all government jobs of Bangladesh on this website and discuss the detailed information about the recruitment circular. So, we have discussed in detail about Department of Fisheries DOF ​​Recruitment Circular 2023 in this post today. Directorate of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023 PDF with detailed information below.


Summary of Directorate of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023

motsho odhidoptor Job circular 2023

motsho odhidoptor

সাপ্তাহিক চাকরির খবর এখানে..

এক নজরে ডিওএফ নিয়োগ ২০২৩
Organization Name: Directorate of Fisheries (DOF)
Organization Type:  Government
Job Type:
সরকারি চাকরি
Total post: 32
Total vacancy : 732
Age Preferred: Age 18-30 year(s)
Educational Qualification: ৮ম/এসএসসি/এইচএসসি/স্নাতক অথবা সমমান পাস
লিঙ্গ নারী ও পুরুষ উভয়
বেতন স্কেল: 8250 to 30230 Taka.
আবেদন ফি: 112 to 334 Taka.
আবেদন করার মাধ্যম: Online
প্রকাশ সূত্র: The Daily Newspaper
আবেদন করার লিংক:
নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশের তারিখ: 31 August 2023
আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ: 10 October 2023

Department of Fisheries New Recruitment Circular Date and Time

Job circular  Publication Date: 31 August 2023 Published in Daily Newspaper, Online Job News Portal.

Application will Start: 07 September 2023 10:00 AM

Application Deadline: 10 October 2023 12: 00 AM

Department of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023 Name and Number of Posts

Department of Fisheries DOF ​​Recruitment Circular 2023 published on 31 August 2023. Department of Fisheries through DOF job circular will give total 32 posts to 732 people. Check below the post name and vacancy information mentioned in this new recruitment notification.

  • Post Name: Check the Official Image of Directorate of Fisheries Jobs below.
  • Number of Posts: Check the Fisheries Department Recruitment Circular image below.
  • Educational Qualification: SSC Pass/ HSC Pass/ Graduation Pass/ Post Graduate Pass/ Diploma Pass.
  • Experience: See below Department of Fisheries DOF ​​Job Circular Official Notice.
  • Salary: TK.8250 to 30230 (Note: Pay scale is different for different posts so please refer below DOF circular.
  • Application Fee: For application fee as per post name refer to PDF/Image of Department of Fisheries DOF ​​Job Circular.


Department of Fisheries Job circular 2023 IMG/ PDF

Department of Fisheries has released the Department of Fisheries Recruitment 2023 in PDF form on their official website for manpower recruitment. We have attached here for the convenience of job aspirants, Department of Fisheries Recruitment Circular 2023 image/pdf which has been published on the official website of the authority. For details about Department of Fisheries DOF ​​Recruitment 2023 circular, see the official notification below.

Application conditions for recruitment of Directorate of Fisheries

Candidate must be a citizen of Bangladesh. General candidates should be between 18 to 30 years as on 30 August 2023. However, in case of children of freedom fighters/martyred freedom fighters and physically challenged candidates, the maximum age limit is 32 years. No affidavit will be admissible for proof of age. Application will be rejected if the prescribed minimum educational qualification and experience is not mentioned in the official image/PDF file of Department of Fisheries recruitment circular.

Online Application Procedure for Directorate of Fisheries Recruitment

Department of Fisheries job application must be submitted online by 10 October 2023. Must submit the Fisheries Department job application form within the specified time following the instructions of the authority. Department of Fisheries DOF ​​Recruitment Circular 2023 Official PDF Notice contains detailed rules for applying for the job. Follow the step by step instructions below to submit your job application online.


  • First visit website.
  • Then you need to click on “Application Form” option.
  • Now, select “Job Post Name” and click on “Next Button”.
  • Then, you Select “Yes” if you are a premium member of bd, otherwise, select “No”. Now,
  • Fill the job application form with correct information.
  • After filling the application form click on “Next” button.
  • Now, upload your photo and signature, recent color photo size 300×300 pixel=100 kb and signature size 300×80 pixel=60 kb.
  • Finally, click on the “Submit” button to submit the job application.
  • Finally, download and print the application form.

Note: All your personal information should match your academic certificate and national identity card. I hope you have successfully understood how to apply for jobs in Fisheries Department.

*How to Mobile SMS for DOF  job circular Teletalk Application Fee

1st steps mobile SMS: DOF< Space>User ID send to 16222

EXAMPLE: DOF 254254 AND SEND 16222
When you pay fees of DOF job then you will get a reply sms, here will be found 8 digit pin code then candidates will send Second SMS

When you have got DOF Reply SMS: Applicant’s Name, Tk. 112-300 will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is (8 digit number) 12345678.

2nd steps mobile SMS to Pay Fee: Type DOF< Space>Yes< Space>PIN and send to 16222.

Then you will got another reply is Congratulations! Applicant’s Name, payment completed successfully for Directorate of Fisheries (DOF) Later User ID is (xxxxxxxx) and Password (xxxxxxxx).

DOF teletalk com bd Recovery Password:

If you Directorate of Fisheries (DOF) Job Password Deleted or Lost:

1st steps SMS: DOF Help User ID and send to 16222

2nd steps SMS: DOF  Help PIN No and send to 16222


DOF User ID Recovery:

If the candidate lost the user ID, he/she would be able to recover from the website’s “Recovery User ID” menu. In addition, user ID can be recovered by sending an SMS.

DOF Password Recovery:

If the password is lost, the candidate can recover it from the password recovery option of the website using the user id and given mobile number. Password can be recovered even by sending mobile messages.

SMS rules are-MOA<space>help<space>User<space>User ID & Send to 16222.
Example: MOA Help User ABCDEF & send to 16222

Fisheries Department Jobs Recruitment Test

To get job in fisheries department you have to give job test. Recruitment test in Directorate of Fisheries is conducted in 02 stages. Step 02 is:

  • Written test
  • Oral /viva test
  • Practical test for other qualifications (eg computer skills or term wise test).

Candidates who qualify the written test will be given an opportunity to participate in the oral/viva test only. At the time of oral examination the candidate has to produce the following documents. 1 attested copy along with original copy of each should be brought. Below are the documents mentioned:

  • All Educational Qualification Certificates/ Certificates.
  • National Identity Card. (Voter ID Card)
  • Citizenship Certificate.
  • Character Certificate.
  • Job Quota Application Certificate (eg Freedom Fighter Certificate, Handicapped Certificate, Tribal Certificate etc.)
  • Applicant’s Copy

Must be Read: Photocopies and photographs of all certificates must be attested by a gazetted  officer of the first class. The attestation must bear the name, designation, seal and signature of the first class gazetted officer.

*DOF Job Exam Date 2023 – www.dof. teletalk com bd:

Directorate of Fisheries (DOF)  job seeker are waiting for Exam date 2023. You know that when job application will be complete then the Directorate of Fisheries (DOF) prepare for job Exam date. Exam date of Directorate of Fisheries (DOF)  will be publish soon. Our website are waiting for published DOD Job Exam Date and Time with Seat Plan.

DOD Admit Card Download 2023 –

Directorate of Fisheries official website will published soon Job exam Date. Our website next post about dof Admit Card Download. We publish another post like as Directorate of Fisheries Admit card download notice and exam date information in your mobile sms. Then you will be enable to download your dof Admit Card and prepare for Written Exam in 2023. Please collect your user id and password for Download your Admit card.

Job News:

সাপ্তাহিক চাকরির খবর পত্রিকা বর্তমানে বেশ জনপ্রিয় একটি পত্রিকা যেটি প্রতি শুক্রবার প্রকাশিত হয়ে থাকে। চাকরি প্রত্যাশিদের জন্য পত্রিকাটি সকলের কাছে পরিচিত। গভট্জব২৪.কম এ প্রতি সপ্তাহের চাকরি পত্রিকা ইমেজ , পিএনজি, পিডিএফ আকারে পাওয়া যায় আমাদের এই ওয়েব সাইটে। আমরা আশা করি আপনি খুব  সহজেই সাপ্তাহিক চাকরির খবরSaptahik Chakrir Khobor 2023 PDF| সাপ্তাহিক চাকরির খবর ২৫ আগস্ট ২০২৩ ডাউনলোড করতে পারবেন। Saptahik Chakrir Khobor ২৫ August 2023. তাই সবসময় আমাদের সাথে থাকুন।


Job news: saptahik chakrir khobor songbad

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Saptahik chakrir khobor 25-August -2023, saptahik chakrir khobor 25 August 2023, 25/08/2023, saptahik chakrir khobor 25 August, 25.08.2023, weekly jobs newspaper 25 August 2023 Download PDF, chakrir bazar newspaper August 2023.


Latest Shaptahik Chakrir Khobor  in Bangladesh 25 August , Friday Shaptahik bangla newspaper 25 August 2023, weekly  chakrir khobor newspaper 2023,  Saptahik Chakrir all job circular this week .

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Name of my web siteসরকারি চাকরির খবর২৪ is providing all types of government job circular news in Bangladesh. Our main aim helps to job seekers who are finding a better job in Bangladesh and aboard.

our service is e-paper job circular, Newsprint, JPEG, PNG, PDF & print media etc. Government Job circular, Private job circularBank job circularPrimary teacher job circular, BCS job circular , Non Cadre job circular, Defense job circular, Nursing job circular , Medical job circular , Pharma job circular Garments / textile , Sweater job circular etc.

If you have any questions about the best government job circular website in Bangladesh, please let me know, we will give an answer, please, keep connected with us for more employment updates.

Thank you very much for reading the article.

***নিয়মিত সকল আপডেট পেতে ***

ফেইসবুক পেজ সরকারি চাকরির খবর২৪ লাইক দিয়ে আমাদের সাথেই থাকুন!