Bank job ! That’s are quite right. Most of student like it or they are main questions ‘How can I get job in bank. Today’s article about this matter.
Generally we are getting admitted in school like as primary school, then secondary school, then higher secondary and then graduation & at last post graduation.
After completing our graduation or post graduation degree we are apply bank jobs. Because any bank job circular main condition that, you have must be completed graduation or post graduation. So we have to passed graduation or post graduation degree.
Most of all bank job circular educational qualification are 3 years graduation with post graduation or 4 years graduation. But group does not matter, you passed science, arts or business studies from reputed universities.
We know that, minimum one first class or 3.00 CGPA out of 4.00 and others two 2nd class. But any 3rd class or CGPA are not acceptable. So you have to get minimum one first class and two 2nd class or CGPA.

Officer, Assistant officer, Senior officer, Assistant Director is common post of bank. Most of all graduation holder can apply this jobs. But some experienced post; general candidate could not apply. Because that post main condition will be previous experience candidate will be preferred.
We know that, there are sixty scheduled banks in Bangladesh. Who operate under full control and supervision of BB (Bangladesh Bank) by bank order act 1972 and bank company act 1991. These schedule banks are classified into bellow types:
- State owned commercial bank (SOCBs)
- Specialized Banks (SDBs)
- Private Commercial Banks (PCBs)
- Conventional PCBs
- Islami Shariah Based PCBs
- Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs)
There are now five non Scheduled banks in Bangladesh are given bellow:
- Ansar VDP Unnayan Bank
- Karmashangshthan Bank
- Grameen Bank
- Jubilee Bank
- Palli Sanchay Bank
Are you know bank job preparation? You have to best merit or best performance in English knowledge, General mathematics, General knowledge about Bangladesh & International affairs. Good command in verbal & communication English. You can prove that your know to participate in MCQ Quiz Test.
Most of all bank job exam firstly MCQ test > Written test > Viva. So get ready to participate in bank job exams. But before participate in bank job exam you have to apply bank job circular.
You have to need bank job application in online Personal information, Educational information, Contact information, Recent color photo and signature.