jahangirnagar university M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics Admission notice 2023

Circular for jahangirnagar university M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics ( Weekend program) Admission Notice Fall Semester 2023 JU M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics Admission Circular. M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics Admissions Result …

JU M.Sc admission Notice 2023

Circular for jahangirnagar university M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics ( Weekend program) Admission Notice Fall Semester 2023 JU M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics Admission Circular. M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics Admissions Result for Evening at JU University in 2023. Results of M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics admission and VIVA date. Download the JU M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics admit card. We’ll provide the weekend program seating chart soon.


Application Starting is Running, 2023, the JUM.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics Admission Application form will be accessible online. The deadline for M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics  application submission is  14 September , 2023, . Admission to the JU M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics weekend  program through the Department of Physics . Admissions Exam On September 15, 2023, a written examination will take place.

M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics  The written outcome will be released by September 17, 2023. Candidates who pass the exam must take the VIVA/Voice exam. Viva exam scheduling will follow written test results. Admission The JU website (http://juniv.edu/department/phy for downloading application form) will publish the date schedule and seating chart.


M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics  Admission test schedule 02023:

Application from Open : September  is Running,2023

Application  close:  14 September , 2023jahangirnagar university M.Sc in Applied physics and electronics

Application from fee : 1000TK.

Written exam Start Date : September 15, 2023

Written exam time: 10:00 AM To  11:10 AM

Contract: Department of Physics , JU, Savar Dhaka.

Email: [email protected]. , Mobile: 01318526935 ( bkash),  01318526936

jahangirnagar University Admission Notice



jahangirnagar university M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics  (weekend Program)
Institute Name  : jahangirnagar university
course Name: M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics (weekend Program)
Location: jahangirnagar university Campus
No. of set: See circular images.
Class schedule : weekend Program
University Category: Public
Gender: Both males and females are allowed to apply
Age Limitation : 18 – 30 years
Educational Qualifications: Educational Qualifications :M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics  (weekend Program)
Experience Requirements: See circular image below
Application Fee: 1000 Taka.
Apply Online http://juniv.edu/department/phy for downloading application form
Application Open  Date: August 30,2023.
Written Exam start: September 15, 2023
Application Deadline: 14 September , 20232023.
      1. How to Apply Online :
  1. First of all, visit the http://juniv.edu/department/phy for downloading application form) website.
  2. Click on the “Application Form”.
  3. Select the position you want to apply for.
  4. Click on the “Next” button.
  5. Now the  Admission application form will open.
  6. Fill in the application form correctly and go to the next step.
  7. Upload your recent color photo and signature photo.
  8. Then click on the “Submit Application” button.
  9. Finally, download your admission applicant’s copy and take a printout for future reference.

Fee payment Procedure : 

Application form can be  downloaded from the website. After filling the from submit, submit online through E-mail along with 1000/- TK application fee in bkash  (01318526935- personal) or direct communication to the department of physics , JU.


See more Admission: 

Job Circular August  2023:

We have added the latest government jobs circular such BCS, Bang , nursing job circular, DU admission, JU admission, NU admission,  Primary, Teaching, NTRCA, Ministry, Police , Army , Navy, BGB, Costgard  Railway, RAB etc, job circular Recent Job Circular 2023, lease find the above August job circular image and by following requirements to apply the Job Circular 2023 or August  Government job.

Major Subject: 

  • M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics

M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics Admission Requirements:

Applicant must have a 4 years  Bachelor degree in physics / computer science./ EEE or Engineering/ Environmental science/ information Technology/chemistry/ or others areas from any recognized  University. See more… M.Sc  in Applied physics and electronics Admission Requirements:


Consideration for selection: 

  • Test score and viva voce performance
  • Full time managerial/ executive level work experience(s)
  • Prior academic result(s)

Program Features: 

  • Classes on weekend Only
  • Transportation facility as per schedule.

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