Today has published Popular Medical College Hospital Health Job Circular. It is a latest health job circular in Bangladesh, published in the daily newspaper Bangladesh Pratidin dated on 23 June, 2020.
Health Jobs in Bangladesh
Popular Medical College hospital is a very famous hospital in Bangladesh. So you are interested in this recent job circular of Bangladesh, then read properly given bellow job circular.
Popular Medical College Hospital Job Circular
There are 18 types of job. So you can check your best post. I will give you all jobs post name & education and other information detail. So let’s go started close keep in mind Govt Job 24 jobs website.
Medical College Hospital job application last date: 20 July, 2020 at 5pm
PMCH Name of post:
- Customer Care Officer
- Admission Officer
- Matron
- Nursing Supervisor
- Senior Staff Nurse (ICU & HDU)
- Senior Staff Nurse (Floor)
- OT Nurse
- HVAC Technology
- Bio-Medical Technician, ETP Technician, Gas Plant Operator
- Electrician
- Lift Operator
- Floor Supervisor (Wardboy/Aya)
- Male Attendant (Wardboy)
- Female Attendant (Aya)
- Londry Operator/Iron Man
- Office Attendant (Pion)
- House Keeper Supervisor
- Security Guard (Male)
Others job information are given bellow

How to apply Popular Medical College Hospital Job
Need necessary documents :
- Bio Data
- Two copies color photo
- Attested all photocopies of education & experience certificates
- Write down name of post & mobile number
Send your application given bellow PMCH address
Managing Director
House No-7 old (new-8), Road No-2, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205
N/A: You have to send your application with document must be 20 July, 2020 at 5pm in the office time.
If you want to see detail about health job circular 2020 Bangladesh. So click here
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All jobs & Education Preparation Guideline
- Increase your knowledge about Bangla Literature & Bangla Grammar.
- English literature & English grammar.
- General knowledge Bangladesh & International
- General mathematics
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