The 10 Best Engineering and Information Technology Jobs. Not very long ago, people with engineering and information technology jobs were mostly considered nerds. Apart from that, these were not very high paying jobs either. The “cooler jobs” used to be those of investment bankers, lawyers, commercial pilots and surgeons. But with the great advancements in the field of science and technology, and the boom that it has got in the last decades, it has changed a lot. Not only have those jobs become more popular, but they are also among the highest paying jobs as well. That is why, most people opt for careers in the field of information technology and engineering. Below is the list of engineering and information technology jobs that you can see to make a good career ahead.
Most popular engineering and information technology jobs:
Due to the boom that information technology and sciences have received, the variety of jobs has also changed a lot. Here we are going to discuss the 10 best engineering and information technology jobs that have proved to be among the highest paying and the most popular ones.
Civil Engineering:

The first one that we are going to mention here is Civil engineering. The reason why this job has become so popular because with the advancement in technology and the conversion of world into a global village, infrastructure is needed everywhere. The main purpose of civil engineers is to work on various projects including roads, buildings and various construction jobs. That is why they are in highest demand in a number of countries all over the world. The average starting salary for a civil engineering also holds a high ranking in the top 10 best engineering and information technology jobs. The main job of petroleum engineers is to work on various drilling and extraction of crude oil projects. They are responsible for coming up with more advanced and better methods for these jobs. Although the whole world is trying to convert to alternate sources of energy, with major focus on bringing in electric and hybrid vehicles, but still petroleum products are in high demand. Even new electric cars have been brought in the market, but it will be years before vehicles using oil and petroleum products go out of markets. Apart from that, petroleum energy is kind of a niche job, due to which there are not many graduates. Therefore, it has high scope.
Alternative energy engineer:

This is one of the most niche type of engineers, which is not very popular. That is why there are not many institutions that offer this either. But it is one of the highest paying engineering jobs that one could have. The reason is that as explained above, the world is trying to find new and efficient sources from where they can get energy instead of oils and fossil fuels. You might have seen people using wind energy and solar energy not only in residential areas, but also in industrial and commercial sectors as well. And the people that come up with those sources are alternative energy engineers. Due to the increasing demand, there is also a lot of scope for people working in this field.
Environmental Engineering:

Another type of engineering that has not been very popular in the past, but is gaining popularity nowadays is Environmental Engineering. The reason for the increasing popularity of this job is the awareness among the masses and general public. This is regarding the hazardous effects of environmental pollution that factories and businesses are having. People are holding these production houses and factories responsible for the global warming and pollution of water and air around them. The main purpose of the environmental engineers is to figure out ways in which the adverse effects on environment can be lessened. Apart from that, part of their jobs is also the welfare of the workforce as well. In various countries, there are regulations by law to have a separate Health Safety and Environment department, due to which they are in high demand as well.
Project Engineer:

One of the highest paying job among the 10 best engineering and information technology jobs is project engineer. There is no specific field that you have to choose during the bachelors in order to become a project engineer. Rather you can choose whichever field that you feel interested in, and you will have a chance to become a project engineer once you step into the professional field. In order to become a project engineer, all you have to do is to study a about project management after completing your bachelors. Your job would be to overlook all the activities that are taking place during any project. This job pays around $ 71,000 per annum which is quite impressive as compared to various other engineering disciplines.
Artificial Intelligence Engineer:

This job focuses both the engineering as well as information technology. The reason is that the coming time is all about AI and machine learning. Most organizations and various industries are moving towards automation due to various reasons. The first simply being that they are more efficient with decreased chances of human error and high accuracy. The second being the additional regulations about the welfare facilities that the organizations have to provide to the labour. With the help of engineering study along with working with different machine languages, these engineers are one of the highest ones in demand nowadays. As this field is comparatively new, there are not many graduates in the market either. Therefore, the job pays around $ 140,000 per annum.
Data Scientists:

Among the top IT jobs in demand is the job of data scientists. The reason is that with all the development in information and technology, organization rely highly on the data that is being collected through various platforms. That includes data through social media, search engines and various applications. All the data collected has to be cleaned, studies and presented in a way that everyone can understand. Because all the collected data will determine the future action plan and strategies. A number of tools have also been developed only to represent the data of the organizations. Therefore, the data scientists are also in high demand especially in the manufacturing industries. The importance can be judged by the average salary of the data scientists which is around $ 120,000.
Web and application developers:

One of the most in-demand job is that of the web and application developers. The reason is that every organization needs to have an online presence nowadays to ensure the growth and success of business. Apart from being present online, they also need to have special applications that run on all the famous platforms including android and IOS. The job of web and application developers is to work with various programming languages in order to have a working and flawless application as well as a well responsive web page. The reason for that is you don’t only need to present online, but you also have to appear on top of the various search engines. And the only way to do that is to have a highly optimized webpage.
Networking engineers:

As explained earlier, the world has transformed into a global village. The need for connectivity is higher than ever before. Not only people, but also the organizations always need to be in touch with their different offices and on different locations. That is done by the various networking engineers. Networking engineers are not only important for various organizations and businesses. But they also are very important for the various banks and internet service providers. The reason for that is now everything is done through the internet. Not just connectivity, but almost all of the data has also been transferred to cloud storages. Therefore, it is crucial that the connections is maintained at all times. That is why networking engineers are also in high demands for various businesses as well as service providers.
Software Engineer:

One of the most versatile in the 10 best engineering and information technology jobs is the job of software engineers. The reason for that is they hold important role in every organization. As explained earlier, online presence and application development is very important for the success and growth of the various businesses. Now the people who that are none other than software engineers that have specialized in application development or web development. If you are among the people that want to pursue a career in this field, then the first step would be to get a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Once you have gotten that, you can select from different types of information technology jobs available in which you can have a successful career.
Computer system analyst:

Computer is the requirement of the present age, and it is helping different professions to get the quality results with quickness and acceptance. Information technology graduates are capable to perform in this field with getting educational success in the computer learning and courses. The scope of this job is satisfactory, and candidates are getting various opportunities in this matter with the likable financial and social benefits. The individuals are capable to find the job in government sector as well as in the private sector with the conformation of financial benefits. This job is technical and it is linked with high struggle and effort in the business scenarios. People can choose this career in their professional needs, and it is the way of professionalism with the opportunities of accomplishment and success.
This list of the 10 best engineering and information technology jobs is not exhaustive, but provides a good overview the various fields of engineering as well as information technology where you can get a job. One thing that you need to consider is that if you select a traditional field, then you might face a little difficulty when you enter the job market. That is because there is a large number of graduates that are available, due to which the competition is quite tough. But now there are a large number of specialized fields where you can easily get a job. No matter what you select, these IT jobs 2020 do start paying better after some time and experience.