NCTB Written Exam Result | Viva Date 2018. New Govt Job Circular. Most of year NTRCA exam is held. But it is not direct 1st time any jobs offer. But if you want to be a teacher; then must be qualified NTRCA.
But NCTB means National Curriculum Text Book. However, every country follows these rules. Because it is a common rule.
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After the partition of India in 1947, “East Bengal School Textbook Committee” was formed in front of the purpose of creating textbooks. Later, text book was passed in 1954 and according to the law, an autonomous institution named “School Textbook Board” was formed. Later, in 1956, 1961 and 1963, this institution was reorganized in a number of ways.
After the emergence of an independent Bangladesh in 1971, from 1972 to 1977, “Bangladesh School Textbook Board”, all the textbooks of all subjects from 1st to 10th grade were amended, revised and rewritten according to the needs of a new country. Since 1978, the work of preparing textbooks based on the curriculum has begun. In 1981, a separate institution named “National Curriculum Development Center (NCDC)” was established for the purpose of curriculum development. In order to co-ordinate the curriculum and textbook preparation, later in 1983, “National Curriculum and Textbook Board” was formed by integrating the Bangladesh School Textbook Board and the National Curriculum Development Center.